The safety of our littles is important to us! All children, Nursery - 6th Grade, will be checked in and out at every Children's Ministry activity. REGISTRATION FOR CHECK-IN


6 Months - Pre School

We love our littles! Each and every week when you drop your precious child, 6 months - Pre-school,  at the SCC nursery, you can expect to find nursery staff and volunteers who are ready to love on your children.
We have a private area for nursing moms as well as an easy access changing table for when you need it.
Careful measures have been put into place to assure your child's safety while they are being cared for at SCC. Our professional cleaning crew regularly cleans and sanitizes both the nursery and toddler rooms to ensure the health and well-being of your children. We would love to be a part of your child's first steps in their journey of getting to know and love Jesus!  


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

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Pre-K - 6th Grade

SCC Kids is a ministry to children AND to parents. The programs that take place at the church building are taught in a safe environment with Godly, well-prepared teachers.  Our goal is for our children to learn about God and what He teaches us in the Bible, and to build a relationship with Him and with His people at SCC. We recognize that parents are their children’s most important spiritual leaders and teachers, and want to provide tools and ideas to help families make God the center of their home. 

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9:00am-9:55am | Sunday School

We have dedicated staff and enthusiastic volunteers that strive to inspire your children with God’s truth. It is important for kids to have a firm foundation in their faith. During  class, kids will learn specific stories from each book of the Bible. Presently, we are one year into a two year study that takes us from the book of Genesis to Revelations. 


10:00am-11:15am | Church Service

Children’s Church begins with the children’s own praise and worship time. They will fellowship with other students and learn high energy God honoring songs. After worship they will go to their classrooms and dive deeper into the lesson that was taught during Bible class. Communion is provided to kids who have received Christ as their Savior, their teacher will pray and take communion with them. If you would like your child to take communion with you as a family, please let their teacher know when you drop them off. We ask that parents pick their children up at their classrooms promptly after the adult service is over. 


5th Sunday | Family Sunday

We believe that families experiencing church together is an important tool of parent to child discipleship. The kids will go to church with their families instead of Children’s Church. When you arrive at SCC, your child will be given a bag with sermon notes for their age group, crayons, a pencil, clip board, and activity pages. When church is over, simply leave the bag and clipboard in your seat. The rest is yours to take home. 

We will either have special refreshments between Sunday School and Worship Service or a fellowship dinner following the service.


Wednesday Night | 6:30pm -7:30pm

We want the kids to know what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ! Wednesday nights, from 6:30-7:30, we put our faith into action. The kids will learn an object lesson that allows them to be able to learn through a hands on environment. They will also have an opportunity to be a blessing to others through a different service project each month.